Ak Büyücü

Seviye 2


Şuna terfi eder: Işık Büyücüsü 

Advance from: Büyücü

YP: 32  Bedel: 40  Hareket: Hizalama: adaletli  TP: 150

Kabiliyetler: ilaç verir

Some magi, as they learn about the world around them, and learn the truth of the suffering and squalor in which humanity too often lives, find that they cannot bring themselves to be cloistered into a life of study. These men and women give up the life of a mage, and join monastic orders, dedicating the skills they have been given to the good of all. After their ordination, they often travel the world, ministering to sickness and injury.


İsim Tip vuruşlar Menzil Özel
değnek darbe 6-1 yakın  
ışık hüzmesi arcane 7-4 menzilli sihirli 


pala 0%
soğuk 0%
ateş 0%
arcane 40%
darbe 0%
delme 0%

Arazi ayarı

Arazi Hareket Savunma
Kale 1 60%
Kasaba 1 60%
Derin su 99 20%
Sığ su 3 20%
Çayır 1 40%
Orman 2 50%
Tepe 2 50%
Dağlar 3 60%
Bataklık 3 20%
Kum 2 30%
Mağara 2 40%
Kar 3 20%
Mantar korusu 2 50%
Uçurum 99 20%

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