Kırmızı Büyücü

Seviye 2


Şuna terfi eder: Baş büyücü  Gümüş Büyücü 

Advance from: Büyücü

YP: 42  Bedel: 40  Hareket: Hizalama: tarafsız  TP: 100


Upon the successful culmination of their apprenticeship, a mage is stripped of the brown robes of an apprentice and given the ruddy cloak of a master. The significance of this change is often lost on the peasantry, who mistakenly title Master Magi as 'Red Magi'. Likewise, the symbolism of the change in colors is often mistaken to signify the mage's ability to seemingly conjure fire from nothing but thin air, a trick which, although undeniably useful, is viewed by the magi themselves as a crass application of their hard-won knowledge.


İsim Tip vuruşlar Menzil Özel
değnek darbe 6-2 yakın  
ateş topu ateş 8-4 menzilli sihirli 


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soğuk 0%
ateş 10%
arcane 20%
darbe 0%
delme 0%

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Dağlar 3 60%
Bataklık 3 20%
Kum 2 30%
Mağara 2 40%
Kar 3 20%
Mantar korusu 2 50%
Uçurum 99 20%

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