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Seviye 4


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YP: 65  Bedel: 72  Hareket: Hizalama: tarafsız  TP: 100


Any person who is even considered for the title of Great Mage is quite nearly a legend in their own time, and town criers have forcibly learnt discretion in applying the title. Merit for the title is carefully considered by a council of the leading magi of the age, and the conferment of the title is given only by a majority vote. Regardless, anyone who is seriously nominated for the honor of being called a Great Mage is, without question, a master of their art, and has surpassed almost any of their peers in skill.


İsim Tip vuruşlar Menzil Özel
değnek darbe 9-2 yakın  
ateş topu ateş 16-4 menzilli sihirli 


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ateş 30%
arcane 20%
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Dağlar 3 60%
Bataklık 3 20%
Kum 2 30%
Mağara 2 40%
Kar 3 20%
Mantar korusu 2 50%
Uçurum 99 20%

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