Stopnja 1
Napreduje v: Mečevalec  Suličar  Kopjanik 
Advance from: Kmet
HP: 36 Cena: 14 Premiki: 5 Poravnava: zakonit XP: 42
Swords are, for many, an expensive luxury, and one which peasants can ill afford. Spears are much easier to make and will do well even without a spearhead, though most can afford one. Clad in leather armor, and often armed with a shield and a few javelins, spearmen are the staple of most armies, often thrown into the front lines with only the most basic training.
Ime | Vrsta | Udarci | Doseg | Posebnosti orožja | |
kopje | koničast | 7-3 | na blizu | prvi napad | |
javelin | koničast | 6-1 | na daleč |
oster | 0% |
mrzel | 0% |
ognjen | 0% |
arcane | 20% |
top | 0% |
koničast | 0% |
Teren | Premikanje | Obramba |
Grad | 1 | 60% |
Vas | 1 | 60% |
Globoka voda | 99 | 20% |
Plitva voda | 3 | 20% |
Stepa | 1 | 40% |
Gozd | 2 | 50% |
Griči | 2 | 50% |
Gore | 3 | 60% |
Močvirje | 3 | 20% |
Pesek | 2 | 30% |
Jama | 2 | 40% |
Sneg | 3 | 20% |
Glivni gaj | 2 | 50% |
Brezno | 99 | 20% |