
Úroveň 2


Povýši sa na: Troll bojovník 

Advance from: Troll mláďa

Zdravie:55  Cena: 29  Kroky:Príslušnosť: chaos  Skúsenosti:66

Schopnosti: regeneruje

Trolls have long troubled the thoughts of humanity and dwarf-kind. Sages remain baffled at the origins of these creatures and the driving force behind their unnatural vitality and strength. A fully-grown troll towers above a man, and, even unarmed, would be a great threat in combat. The large clubs typically favored in fighting act as extensions of their arms, used for the same purpose of mauling their prey into submission.


Meno Typ Údery Z diaľky Špeciálne
kyjak tupý 14-2 zblízka  


sečný 20%
mráz 0%
oheň 0%
arcane -10%
tupý 0%
strelný 20%

Vplyv terénu

Terén Pohyb Obrana
Hrad 1 40%
Dedina 1 40%
Hlboká voda 99 20%
Plytká voda 2 20%
Lúka 1 30%
Les 2 40%
Kopce 1 50%
Hory 2 60%
Močiar 2 20%
Piesok 2 30%
Jaskyňa 1 40%
Sneh 2 20%
Hubový porast 2 50%
Trhlina 99 20%

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