Úroveň 1
Povýši sa na: Lupič 
Zdravie:24 Cena: 13 Kroky:6 Príslušnosť: chaos Skúsenosti:28
For as long as anyone can remember, the members of the various 'guilds' of rat-catchers that spring up in any larger city have had a curious practice of bleaching their hair with lime till it becomes a pale shade of blue. It is a bold thing to do, as their profession often delves into less-than-legal enterprises. Thieves have many skills, and by necessity are both light on their feet, and good with knives. They happily employ less-than-honorable tactics in combat, seeing little merit in a 'fair fight'.
Meno | Typ | Údery | Z diaľky | Špeciálne | |
dýka | sečný | 4-3 | zblízka | zákerný |
sečný | -30% |
mráz | 0% |
oheň | 0% |
arcane | 20% |
tupý | -20% |
strelný | -20% |
Terén | Pohyb | Obrana |
Hrad | 1 | 70% |
Dedina | 1 | 70% |
Hlboká voda | 99 | 30% |
Plytká voda | 2 | 40% |
Lúka | 1 | 60% |
Les | 2 | 70% |
Kopce | 2 | 70% |
Hory | 3 | 70% |
Močiar | 2 | 40% |
Piesok | 2 | 40% |
Jaskyňa | 2 | 50% |
Sneh | 2 | 40% |
Hubový porast | 2 | 70% |
Trhlina | 99 | 20% |