Mermaid Diviner

Úroveň 3


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Advance from: Mermaid Priestess

Zdravie:41  Cena: 57  Kroky:Príslušnosť: poriadok  Skúsenosti:100

Schopnosti: osvetľuje lieči

Years of devotion will endow a priestess with great wisdom on the workings of the world, and will grant them the favor of the light. The power thus given to these ladies of the water is a recurring motif in tale and song; such as the that of the knights of the silver spire, cornered and slain to a man at the banks of the Alavynne, but who rode again the next day, in full number, and wrought the downfall of the crimson duke.


Meno Typ Údery Z diaľky Špeciálne
palica tupý 7-3 zblízka  
lúč arcane 8-4 na diaľku magický 


sečný 0%
mráz 20%
oheň 0%
arcane 40%
tupý 0%
strelný 0%

Vplyv terénu

Terén Pohyb Obrana
Hrad 1 40%
Dedina 1 40%
Hlboká voda 1 50%
Plytká voda 1 60%
Lúka 2 30%
Les 5 30%
Kopce 5 30%
Hory 99 20%
Močiar 1 60%
Piesok 2 30%
Jaskyňa 3 20%
Sneh 2 30%
Hubový porast 3 20%
Trhlina 99 20%

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