Jašter sekač

Úroveň 2


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Zdravie:62  Cena: 31  Kroky:Príslušnosť: poriadok  Skúsenosti:105


Slashers are Clashers who have chosen to master the use of a halberd instead of carrying a sword and the spear. Their great size allows them to use a weapon of matching scale, large enough to skewer a horse as a man would a boar. Their training has also enhanced their stamina and defensive skills, which is a major advantage over their close cousins the Gladiators.


Meno Typ Údery Z diaľky Špeciálne
halapartňa sečný 11-3 zblízka  
halapartňa strelný 17-2 zblízka prvý úder 


sečný 20%
mráz -50%
oheň 50%
arcane -30%
tupý 30%
strelný 10%

Vplyv terénu

Terén Pohyb Obrana
Hrad 1 40%
Dedina 1 40%
Hlboká voda 99 10%
Plytká voda 3 20%
Lúka 1 30%
Les 2 40%
Kopce 1 40%
Hory 1 40%
Močiar 3 20%
Piesok 1 40%
Jaskyňa 2 30%
Sneh 3 20%
Hubový porast 2 40%
Trhlina 99 20%

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