Saurian Tuimelaar

Rang 3


Promoveert tot:

Promoveert van: Sauriaanse Sluiper

HP: 47  Prijs: 46  Zetten: Alliantie: wetteloos  XP: 100

Vermogens: warzaaier

Saurian warriors are generally weaker in frame than their elven, or human counterparts. This is of course a relative term, and they can still become considerably powerful, whilst losing none of their natural mobility. This is very dangerous in combat, as a careless enemy can soon find their support troops flanked by these creatures.


Naam Type Aanvallen Bereik Speciaal
speer puntig 8-4 dichtbij  
speer puntig 7-2 afstand  


scherp -10%
kou -20%
vuur -20%
arcane 20%
stomp -10%
puntig 20%


Terrein Zetten Verdediging
Kasteel 1 60%
Dorp 1 50%
Diep water 99 20%
Ondiep water 3 40%
Grasland 1 40%
Bos 2 60%
Heuvels 1 60%
Bergen 2 60%
Moeras 1 60%
Zand 1 60%
Grot 1 60%
Sneeuw 4 30%
Paddenstoelenveld 1 60%
Afgrond 99 20%

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