
Rang 3


Promoveert tot:

Promoveert van: Elfenruiter

HP: 57  Prijs: 43  Zetten: 10  Alliantie: neutraal  XP: 100


Elvish Outriders are trained as the royal couriers of the elven kingdoms. Despite the peaceful nature of their people, their experience makes them quite deadly in combat. No human has ever come close to their skill in using a bow on horseback - in fact, most would be hard pressed to equal it standing on solid ground.


Naam Type Aanvallen Bereik Speciaal
zwaard scherp 7-4 dichtbij  
boog puntig 8-3 afstand  


scherp 0%
kou 0%
vuur 0%
arcane -10%
stomp 0%
puntig -20%


Terrein Zetten Verdediging
Kasteel 1 60%
Dorp 1 60%
Diep water 99 20%
Ondiep water 3 20%
Grasland 1 40%
Bos 1 60%
Heuvels 2 50%
Bergen 3 60%
Moeras 2 30%
Zand 2 30%
Grot 3 30%
Sneeuw 2 30%
Paddenstoelenveld 2 50%
Afgrond 99 20%

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