
Rang 1


Promoveert tot: Dwergendonderwachter 

Promoveert van:

HP: 34  Prijs: 17  Zetten: Alliantie: neutraal  XP: 40


When the men of Wesnoth first encountered the dwarves, they were mystified by the power of the Dwarvish Thunderers, who were able to hurl death from afar through the apparatus of these strange wands they carried into battle. The deafening noise of these 'thundersticks' is terrifying to behold, and is made moreso by the secrecy which dwarves hold about their workings.


Naam Type Aanvallen Bereik Speciaal
dolk scherp 6-2 dichtbij  
donderstok puntig 18-1 afstand  


scherp 20%
kou 10%
vuur 10%
arcane 10%
stomp 20%
puntig 20%


Terrein Zetten Verdediging
Kasteel 1 60%
Dorp 1 50%
Diep water 99 20%
Ondiep water 3 20%
Grasland 1 30%
Bos 1 30%
Heuvels 1 60%
Bergen 1 70%
Moeras 3 20%
Zand 1 30%
Grot 1 50%
Sneeuw 2 30%
Paddenstoelenveld 1 40%
Afgrond 99 20%

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