Rang 1
Promoveert tot: Dragonder 
HP: 38 Prijs: 17 Zetten: 8 Alliantie: gezagsgetrouw XP: 40
Cavalrymen are distinguished from horsemen by their tactics and equipment. A cavalryman wears heavier armor, and carries a sword and shield, rather than a lance. Their tactics do not include charging; instead they maneuver to slash with a sword, using both horse and rider as an effective tool of melee.
Naam | Type | Aanvallen | Bereik | Speciaal | |
zwaard | scherp | 6-3 | dichtbij |
scherp | 30% |
kou | 20% |
vuur | 0% |
arcane | 20% |
stomp | 40% |
puntig | -20% |
Terrein | Zetten | Verdediging |
Kasteel | 1 | 40% |
Dorp | 1 | 40% |
Diep water | 99 | 20% |
Ondiep water | 4 | 20% |
Grasland | 1 | 40% |
Bos | 3 | 30% |
Heuvels | 2 | 40% |
Bergen | 99 | 20% |
Moeras | 4 | 20% |
Zand | 2 | 30% |
Grot | 4 | 20% |
Sneeuw | 2 | 30% |
Paddenstoelenveld | 4 | 20% |
Afgrond | 99 | 20% |