Spettro guardiano

Livello 2


Avanza come: Spettro 

Avanza da: Fantasma

PF: 25  Costo:38  Mosse: Allineamento: caotico  PE: 100


These shades of what were once warriors are among the most terrifying things a necromancer can create, for a sword will cleave right through them as if through air, seemingly without doing harm. It is the thought that these foes are invincible which is so frightening, a notion that is fortunately far from the truth.


Nome Tipo Colpi Raggio Speciale
lama avvelenata arcano 6-4 ravvicinato assorbi 
lamento freddo 4-3 a distanza  


lama 50%
freddo 70%
fuoco 10%
arcano -10%
impatto 50%
perfora 50%

Modificatori del terreno

Terreno Movimento Difesa
Castello 1 50%
Villaggio 1 50%
Acque profonde 2 50%
Acque basse 2 50%
Prateria 1 50%
Foresta 1 50%
Colline 1 50%
Montagne 1 50%
Palude 1 50%
Sabbia 1 50%
Caverna 1 50%
Neve 1 50%
Campo di funghi 1 50%
Abisso 1 50%

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