Mago argentato

Livello 3


Avanza come:

Avanza da: Mago rosso

PF: 48  Costo:59  Mosse: Allineamento: neutrale  PE: 100

Abilità: teletrasporto

The many paths that a mage can take in study lead to strikingly different ends. Often viewed as sages, or wandering mystics, silver magi act under an agenda which is obscure even to their own colleagues. Though helpful to the magisteriums which often employ them in the field, they remain somewhat aloof.


Nome Tipo Colpi Raggio Speciale
bastone impatto 7-2 ravvicinato  
proiettile fuoco 9-4 a distanza magico 


lama 0%
freddo 50%
fuoco 50%
arcano 20%
impatto 0%
perfora 0%

Modificatori del terreno

Terreno Movimento Difesa
Castello 1 60%
Villaggio 1 60%
Acque profonde 99 20%
Acque basse 3 20%
Prateria 1 40%
Foresta 2 50%
Colline 2 50%
Montagne 3 60%
Palude 3 20%
Sabbia 2 30%
Caverna 2 40%
Neve 3 20%
Campo di funghi 2 50%
Abisso 99 20%

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