Fante nereide

Livello 2


Avanza come: Nereide giavellottiere 

Avanza da: Cacciatore nereide

PF: 40  Costo:27  Mosse: Allineamento: legale  PE: 85


Archery is little favored by the mermen, for whom javelinry serves a similar function. Though thrown javelins are of little use under the water, they are extremely effective at the surface, where their weight allows them to plunge several feet below the water while retaining enough momentum to wreak damage. They are also useful in melee, even deep under the surface, which is something that certainly cannot be said of arrows.


Nome Tipo Colpi Raggio Speciale
arpione perfora 6-2 ravvicinato  
arpione perfora 6-4 a distanza  


lama 0%
freddo 20%
fuoco 0%
arcano 0%
impatto 0%
perfora 0%

Modificatori del terreno

Terreno Movimento Difesa
Castello 1 40%
Villaggio 1 40%
Acque profonde 1 50%
Acque basse 1 60%
Prateria 2 30%
Foresta 5 30%
Colline 5 30%
Montagne 99 20%
Palude 1 60%
Sabbia 2 30%
Caverna 3 20%
Neve 2 30%
Campo di funghi 3 20%
Abisso 99 20%

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