
niveau 2


Évolue en : Paladin  Grand chevalier 

Évolue à partir de Cavalier

PV : 58  Coût : 40  Déplacements : Alignement : loyal  XP : 120

Capacités :

Horsemen of skill and discipline are promoted to Knights. Veterans of combat, they have seen the often-fatal results of a failed charge, and have learnt discretion in its use. Knights, therefore, carry swords in their armament, and practice tactics which, although requiring of much more patience, are less risky than a charge. Their lances are still at the ready, however, and growing experience with these weapons makes them deadlier at the tilt. +


Nom Type Attaques Portée Spécial
épée tranchant 8-4 corps à corps  
lance perforant 14-2 corps à corps charge 


tranchant 20%
froid 0%
feu 0%
arcane 20%
contondant 30%
perforant -20%

Modificateurs de Terrain

Terrain Mouvement Défense
Château 1 40%
Village 1 40%
Eau profonde 99 20%
Eau peu profonde 4 20%
Prairie 1 40%
Forêt 3 30%
Collines 2 40%
Montagnes 99 20%
Marais 4 20%
Sable 2 30%
Caverne 4 20%
Neige 2 30%
Forêt de champignons 4 20%
Abîme 99 20%

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