
Nivelo 3


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Advance from: Mortulo

Sano:68  Cost: 50  Movoj:Aparteneco: Kaosa  Spertoj:100

Kapabloj: submerge

There is little left, in these towering ruins, of the men they once were. Warriors at heart, they are now lost in the dream of unlife; wandering through the battles of their memory and fighting desperately for release, for a peace bought only by strength of arms. And so they struggle; both unthinking, and unrelenting.


Nomo Tipo Batoj Efikdistanco Speciale
hakilo klingo 12-4 de proksime  


klingo 40%
frosto 60%
fajro -20%
arcane -50%
frapo -20%
piko 60%

Influo de tereno

Tereno Movoj Defendo
Kastelo 1 60%
Vilaĝo 1 60%
Profunda akvo 3 10%
Malprofunda akvo 2 20%
Herbejo 1 40%
Arbaro 2 50%
Montetoj 2 50%
Montoj 3 60%
Marĉo 2 30%
Sablo 2 30%
Groto 2 40%
Neĝo 2 30%
Mushroom Grove 2 60%
Chasm 99 20%

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