Genet de llop

Nivell 1


Avança a: Cavaller goblin  Saquejador goblin 

Avança de:

HP: 32  Cost: 17  Moviments: Alineació: caòtica  XP: 30


No one is quite sure how the practice of taming and riding wolves came into being, but the advantages of it for a goblin are obvious. Goblins are smaller and much weaker than their orcish kin, and are often tasked to the most dangerous and unwanted parts of a fight. Any who can manage to win themselves a mount have a much safer, and daresay, more amusing role in combat.


Nom Tipus Cops Abast Especial
ullals talla 5-3 melé  


talla 0%
fred 0%
foc 0%
arcane 0%
impacta 0%
perfora 0%

Modificadors de terreny

Terreny Moviment Defensa
Castell 1 60%
Llogaret 1 50%
Aigua profunda 99 20%
Aigua baixa 3 20%
Prada 1 40%
Bosc 2 50%
Colls 1 50%
Muntanyes 2 60%
Pantà 3 30%
Sorra 2 30%
Cova 2 40%
Neu 3 20%
Boscatge de bolets 3 40%
Abisme 99 20%

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