Drac del cel

Nivell 2


Avança a: Huracà drac 

Avança de: Planejador drac

HP: 45  Cost: 30  Moviments: Alineació: legal  XP: 80


Sky drakes are truly the kings of the sky. The momentum of their terrible stooping dive and and their fire breath combine into a terrible weapon. By attacking from the air, they can spit fire with great precision into positions which would otherwise afford a great defensive advantage to their foes.


Nom Tipus Cops Abast Especial
cop impacta 6-3 melé  
alè de foc foc 5-3 distància tirador 


talla 10%
fred -50%
foc 50%
arcane -30%
impacta 20%
perfora -10%

Modificadors de terreny

Terreny Moviment Defensa
Castell 1 50%
Llogaret 1 50%
Aigua profunda 1 50%
Aigua baixa 1 50%
Prada 1 50%
Bosc 1 50%
Colls 1 50%
Muntanyes 1 50%
Pantà 1 50%
Sorra 1 50%
Cova 3 30%
Neu 1 50%
Boscatge de bolets 2 40%
Abisme 1 50%

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