Arquer esquelet

Nivell 1


Avança a: Disparaossos 

Avança de:

HP: 31  Cost: 14  Moviments: Alineació: caòtica  XP: 35

Habilitats: submergir

A skeleton archer is little different from the 'skeletons' which often accompany it - it is a sin against nature, a warrior raised from the dead to fight once again. In their masters' hands, these soldiers will do anything to achieve the tasks laid before them, for death holds no fear for one who is already dead.


Nom Tipus Cops Abast Especial
puny impacta 3-2 melé  
arc perfora 6-3 distància  


talla 40%
fred 60%
foc -20%
arcane -50%
impacta -20%
perfora 60%

Modificadors de terreny

Terreny Moviment Defensa
Castell 1 60%
Llogaret 1 60%
Aigua profunda 3 10%
Aigua baixa 2 20%
Prada 1 40%
Bosc 2 50%
Colls 2 50%
Muntanyes 3 60%
Pantà 2 30%
Sorra 2 30%
Cova 2 40%
Neu 2 30%
Boscatge de bolets 2 60%
Abisme 99 20%

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