Nivell 3
Avança a:
Avança de: Duelista
HP: 57 Cost: 44 Moviments: 7 Alineació: legal XP: 100
Habilitats: esquiva
Master fencers have an envied place in life. Though the journey to their station was a dangerous way of life, they have reached the time wherein they reap its rewards. Famed for their skill and dashing manner, these gentlemen have the bearing of natural aristocrats, and are followed by the eyes of many a high born lady.
Nom | Tipus | Cops | Abast | Especial | |
sabre | talla | 7-5 | melé | ||
ballesta | perfora | 20-1 | distància |
talla | -30% |
fred | 0% |
foc | 0% |
arcane | 20% |
impacta | -20% |
perfora | -20% |
Terreny | Moviment | Defensa |
Castell | 1 | 70% |
Llogaret | 1 | 70% |
Aigua profunda | 99 | 30% |
Aigua baixa | 2 | 40% |
Prada | 1 | 60% |
Bosc | 2 | 70% |
Colls | 2 | 70% |
Muntanyes | 3 | 70% |
Pantà | 2 | 40% |
Sorra | 2 | 40% |
Cova | 2 | 50% |
Neu | 2 | 40% |
Boscatge de bolets | 2 | 70% |
Abisme | 99 | 20% |