Drac infernal

Nivell 3


Avança a:

Avança de: Drac de foc

HP: 82  Cost: 51  Moviments: Alineació: legal  XP: 100


The flying conflagrations known as Drake Infernos are the masters of the fire they breathe, and rival their predecessors the Dragons in their ability to use it. This natural ability renders them nearly immune to fire. Their shining, flame-colored armor is a mark of their proud and powerful caste, the ideal to which their brethren aspire.


Nom Tipus Cops Abast Especial
urpes talla 12-2 melé  
alè de foc foc 8-6 distància  


talla 10%
fred -50%
foc 80%
arcane -30%
impacta 20%
perfora -10%

Modificadors de terreny

Terreny Moviment Defensa
Castell 1 40%
Llogaret 1 40%
Aigua profunda 1 20%
Aigua baixa 1 20%
Prada 1 30%
Bosc 1 40%
Colls 1 40%
Muntanyes 1 40%
Pantà 1 30%
Sorra 1 40%
Cova 3 30%
Neu 1 20%
Boscatge de bolets 2 40%
Abisme 1 40%

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