Nivell 1
Avança a:
Avança de: Rat-penat vampíric
HP: 27 Cost: 21 Moviments: 9 Alineació: caòtica XP: 100
Blood Bats are so-named because of their ruddy hue, which some mark as a symbol of their preferred diet. These creatures are fast and can drain the blood of those they attack, thereby gaining some of the health lost by their victims.
Nom | Tipus | Cops | Abast | Especial | |
ullals | talla | 5-3 | melé | drena |
talla | 0% |
fred | 30% |
foc | 0% |
arcane | 20% |
impacta | -20% |
perfora | 0% |
Terreny | Moviment | Defensa |
Castell | 1 | 50% |
Llogaret | 1 | 50% |
Aigua profunda | 1 | 50% |
Aigua baixa | 1 | 50% |
Prada | 1 | 50% |
Bosc | 1 | 50% |
Colls | 1 | 50% |
Muntanyes | 1 | 50% |
Pantà | 1 | 50% |
Sorra | 1 | 50% |
Cova | 1 | 50% |
Neu | 1 | 50% |
Boscatge de bolets | 1 | 50% |
Abisme | 1 | 50% |