Ölüm kılıcı

Seviye 2


Şuna terfi eder:

Advance from: İskelet

YP: 39  Bedel: 28  Hareket: Hizalama: kaotik  TP: 100

Kabiliyetler: gizlenme

In life, the abominations known as 'Deathblades' were masters of combat, soldiers who were both lithe and deadly. Their new masters will often recognize this, and try to take advantage of it by outfitting them to match the skills they once had. Though frail, these monsters are much faster than the rest of their kind, both on foot and with their blades.

unit help^Attacks

İsim Tip vuruşlar Menzil Özel
balta pala 8-5 yakın  


pala 40%
soğuk 60%
ateş -20%
kutsal -100%
darbe -20%
delme 60%

Arazi ayarı

Arazi Hareket Savunma
Kale 1 60%
Kasaba 1 60%
Derin su 3 10%
Sığ su 2 20%
Çayır 1 40%
Orman 2 50%
Tepe 2 50%
Dağlar 3 60%
Bataklık 2 30%
Kum 2 30%
Mağara 2 40%
Kar 2 30%
Mantar korusu 2 60%
Uçurum 99 20%

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