
레벨 3


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Advance from: 나이트

체력:65  Cost: 58  이동력:Alignment: 질서  경험치:100

Abilities: heals

Knights of the highest virtue, Paladins have sworn themselves to monastic orders, pledging their might to the cause of righteousness. Though not as imposing on the battlefield as a Grand Knight, a Paladin is a powerful force in combat, and their piety grants them other gifts. A Paladin is a bane to the unworldly, and has trained in ministering to the wounds of his comrades.

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이름 종류 공격 레인지 특수
소드 신성 8-5 밀리  
랜스 관통 15-2 밀리 돌격 


블레이드 20%
얼음 0%
신성 60%
충격 30%
관통 -20%

지형 효과

지형 이동력 방어
1 40%
마을 1 40%
깊은 물 99 20%
얕은 물 4 20%
초원 1 40%
3 30%
언덕 2 40%
99 20%
4 20%
모래 2 30%
동굴 4 20%
2 30%
버섯 동굴 4 20%
협곡 99 20%

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