오크 슬레이어

레벨 2


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Advance from: 오크 어쌔신

체력:36  Cost: 33  이동력:Alignment: 혼돈  경험치:100


The larger, and often more skilled orcish assassins are called 'Slayers' by their enemies, though this distinction is somewhat unclear. Slayers are fast on their feet, and quite nimble in combat, although they achieve that end by forgoing armor. Their weapon of choice, poison, is a vicious tool, and its common use on the battlefield is often the real cause of orcish supremacy.

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이름 종류 공격 레인지 특수
대거 블레이드 10-2 밀리  
쓰로잉 나이프 블레이드 6-3 레인지 poison 


블레이드 -30%
얼음 0%
신성 20%
충격 -20%
관통 -20%

지형 효과

지형 이동력 방어
1 70%
마을 1 70%
깊은 물 99 30%
얕은 물 2 40%
초원 1 60%
2 70%
언덕 2 70%
3 70%
2 40%
모래 2 40%
동굴 2 50%
2 40%
버섯 동굴 2 70%
협곡 99 20%

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