
레벨 1


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체력:24  Cost: 20  이동력:Alignment: 질서  경험치:60


Humans have often pondered the workings of the world in which they live. Some endeavor to take this beyond idle musing, to set it as the primary enterprise of their lives. Any magi worthy of the title have spent at least a decade in study, amassing a sum of knowledge which sets them apart from other people. These men and women, who have committed themselves fully to the pursuit of wisdom, stand in stark contrast to a world where few can even read and write. Their ranks are filled with the children of hopeful nobility, or those who sought an escape from the intellectual void that is a life of manual labor.

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이름 종류 공격 레인지 특수
스태프 충격 5-1 밀리  
미사일 7-3 레인지 마법 


블레이드 0%
얼음 0%
신성 20%
충격 0%
관통 0%

지형 효과

지형 이동력 방어
1 60%
마을 1 60%
깊은 물 99 20%
얕은 물 3 20%
초원 1 40%
2 50%
언덕 2 50%
3 60%
3 20%
모래 2 30%
동굴 2 40%
3 20%
버섯 동굴 2 50%
협곡 99 20%

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