드레이크 글레디에이터

레벨 2


Advances to: 드레이크 엔포서 

Advance from: 드레이크 클래셔

체력:66  Cost: 31  이동력:Alignment: 질서  경험치:95


The Gladiator has taken a completely different path from the Slashers. Rather than emphasize training, they have chosen to focus on the craft of their weaponry. They are the smiths of Drake society, and it follows that they possess the best weaponry - the sharpest blades and spears, and the maces which complement their already impressive array. Their intense focus on their weapons comes at the slight expense of their defensive abilities.

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이름 종류 공격 레인지 특수
소드 블레이드 8-4 밀리  
스피어 관통 6-5 밀리  
철퇴 충격 10-3 밀리  


블레이드 20%
얼음 -50%
신성 20%
충격 30%
관통 -10%

지형 효과

지형 이동력 방어
1 40%
마을 1 40%
깊은 물 99 10%
얕은 물 3 20%
초원 1 30%
2 40%
언덕 1 40%
1 40%
3 20%
모래 1 40%
동굴 2 30%
3 20%
버섯 동굴 2 40%
협곡 99 20%

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