
Level 3



Advance from: Viirastus

HP:68  Maksumus:50  Käigud:Meelelaad: korratu  XP:100

Võimed: sukelduv

Towering remains of what once were legendary warriors, the Draug strike fear in the hearts of all who oppose them. They are driven not by malice, but are forever bound within the dream of unlife, wandering through the greatest battles of their memory, and fighting desperately for release, for a peace bought only by strength of arms. The memory of their enemy, and the purpose of their struggle have long faded into oblivion.

unit help^Attacks

Nimi Liik Löögid Ulatus Eriline
kirves tera 12-4 lähivõitlus  


tera 40%
külm 60%
tuli -20%
püha -100%
löök -20%
torge 60%

Maastiku mõjutajad

Maastik Liikumine Kaitse
Loss 1 60%
Küla 1 60%
Sügav vesi 3 10%
Madal vesi 2 20%
Rohumaa 1 40%
Mets 2 50%
Künkad 2 50%
Mäed 3 60%
Soo 2 30%
Liiv 2 30%
Koobas 2 40%
Lumi 2 30%
Mushroom Grove 2 60%
Chasm 99 20%

Tagasi algusesse