Drac del cel

Nivell 2


Avança a: Huracà drac 

Advance from: Planejador drac

HP: 45  Cost: 30  Moviments: Alineació: legal  XP: 80


Sky drakes are truly the kings of the sky. Using their momentum and fire breath as weapons these drakes are the bane of many. They can swiftly swoop down on prey, and are usually long gone before anyone can stop them. By attacking from the air, they can spit fire with great precision into positions which would otherwise afford a great defensive advantage to their foes.

unit help^Attacks

Nom Tipus Cops Abast Especial
cop impacta 6-3 melé  
alè de foc foc 5-3 distància tirador 


talla 10%
fred -50%
foc 50%
sagrat 20%
impacta 20%
perfora -10%

Modificadors de terreny

Terreny Moviment Defensa
Castell 1 50%
Llogaret 1 50%
Aigua profunda 1 50%
Aigua baixa 1 50%
Prada 1 50%
Bosc 1 50%
Colls 1 50%
Muntanyes 1 50%
Pantà 1 50%
Sorra 1 50%
Cova 3 30%
Neu 1 50%
Mushroom Grove 2 40%
Chasm 1 50%

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