
Úroveň 3


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Knights of the highest virtue, Paladins have sworn themselves to monastic orders, pledging their might to the cause of righteousness. Though not as imposing on the battlefield as a Grand Knight, a Paladin is a powerful force in combat, and their piety grants them other gifts. A Paladin is a bane to the unworldly, and has trained in ministering to the wounds of his comrades. +


Jméno Typ Údery Dosah Zvláštnosti
meč svatý 8-5 short  
dřevec bodnutí 15-2 short výpad 


čepel 20%
chlad 0%
oheň 0%
svatý 50%
úder 30%
bodnutí -20%

Terénní modifikátory

Terén Pohyby Obrana
Hrad 1 40%
Vesnice 1 40%
Hluboká voda 100 20%
Mělká voda 4 20%
Louka 1 40%
Les 3 30%
Kopce 2 40%
Hory 100 20%
Mokřina 4 20%
Písek 2 30%
Jeskyně 4 20%
Tundra 2 30%

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