
等级 3



升级自: 骑士

生命值:65  价格:58  移动: 攻击属性: 善良  经验值:100

技能: heals

Knights of the highest virtue, Paladins have sworn themselves to semi-monastic vows, pledging their might to the cause of righteousness. Though not as imposing on the battlefield as a Grand Knight, a Paladin is a powerful force in combat, and their piety grants them other gifts. A Paladin is a bane to the unworldly, and has trained in ministering to the wounds of his comrades.


名称 类型 输出 范围 特性
arcane 8-5 近战  
长枪 穿刺 15-2 近战 冲锋 


剑刃 20%
寒冷 0%
火焰 0%
arcane 60%
冲击 30%
穿刺 -20%


地形 移动 闪避几率
城堡 1 40%
村庄 1 40%
深水 99 20%
浅水 4 20%
草原 1 40%
森林 3 30%
丘陵 2 40%
山岭 99 20%
沼泽 4 20%
沙地 2 30%
洞穴 4 20%
雪地 2 30%
蘑菇林 4 20%
深渊 99 20%
