
等级 1


升级为: 天空龙战士 


生命值:32  价格:16  移动: 攻击属性: 善良  经验值:35


Drake Gliders wear as little encumberment as possible, freeing themselves to fly to their full ability. These Drakes are competent fighters, possessing the internal fire common to many of their kin. Gliders can also effectively use their speed to slam their opponents into submission. From their aerial vantage point, these drakes can see past most defensive cover. Their skill at flying allows them the precision to target enemies under such cover.


名称 类型 输出 范围 特性
猛击 冲击 6-2 近战  
火焰呼吸 火焰 3-3 远程 精准 


剑刃 10%
寒冷 -50%
火焰 50%
arcane -30%
冲击 20%
穿刺 -10%


地形 移动 闪避几率
城堡 1 40%
村庄 1 40%
深水 1 20%
浅水 1 20%
草原 1 30%
森林 1 40%
丘陵 1 40%
山岭 1 40%
沼泽 1 30%
沙地 1 40%
洞穴 3 30%
雪地 1 20%
蘑菇林 2 40%
深渊 1 40%
