Mermaid Enchantress

Nível 2


Avança para: Sirene 

Avança de: Mermaid Initiate

HP: 38  Custo: 33  Movimento: Alinhamento: ordeiro  XP: 90


Mermaids, like elves, have a powerful and native ability in magic, though theirs is considerably different than that of the elves. Those who master this ability are held in high regard, and their skill is used in a multitude of crafts, many of which humanity would never dream. The obvious use in war is forbidden against their own race - this power is the greater part of what protects their people from the monsters that wander out of the abyss.


Nome Tipo Golpes Distância Especial
bastão impacto 9-1 corpo a corpo  
jato d'água impacto 14-2 longa distância mágico 


cortante 0%
frio 20%
fogo 0%
arcane 0%
impacto 0%
perfurante 0%

Modificadores de Terreno

Terreno Movimento Defesa
Castelo 1 40%
Vila 1 40%
Águas profundas 1 50%
Águas rasas 1 60%
Pradaria 2 30%
Floresta 5 30%
Colinas 5 30%
Montanhas 99 20%
Pântano 1 60%
Areia 2 30%
Caverna 3 20%
Neve 2 30%
Colônia de Cogumelos 3 20%
Desfiladeiro 99 20%

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