Draconiano Armeiro

Nível 1


Avança para: Gladiador Draconiano  Fatiador Draconiano 

Avança de:

HP: 43  Custo: 19  Movimento: Alinhamento: ordeiro  XP: 45


A Drake Clasher is incapable of either flight and fire-breathing, and most assume their relegation to melee combat is because of disability - an attempt to garner use from what otherwise would be a liability. It is possible that they have some mild deficiency in those skills, but those who support this theory have failed to consider how uniquely well-suited they are to combat a fellow drake.


Nome Tipo Golpes Distância Especial
espada cortante 5-4 corpo a corpo  
lança perfurante 6-4 corpo a corpo iniciativa 


cortante 20%
frio -50%
fogo 50%
arcane -30%
impacto 30%
perfurante 0%

Modificadores de Terreno

Terreno Movimento Defesa
Castelo 1 40%
Vila 1 40%
Águas profundas 99 10%
Águas rasas 3 20%
Pradaria 1 30%
Floresta 2 40%
Colinas 1 40%
Montanhas 1 40%
Pântano 3 20%
Areia 1 40%
Caverna 2 30%
Neve 3 20%
Colônia de Cogumelos 2 40%
Desfiladeiro 99 20%

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