
レベル 2


クラスチェンジ先: スペクター 

クラスチェンジ元: 幽霊

HP: 25  コスト:38  移動: 属性: 混沌  経験: 100


These shades of what were once warriors are among the most terrifying things a necromancer can create, for a sword will cleave right through them as if through air, seemingly without doing harm. It is the thought that these foes are invincible which is so frightening, a notion that is fortunately far from the truth.


名前 回数 範囲 特殊
死の剣 神聖 6-4 格闘 生命吸収 
叫び声 冷気 4-3 投射  


斬撃 50%
冷気 70%
火炎 10%
神聖 -10%
打撃 50%
貫通 50%


地形 移動 防御
1 50%
1 50%
深水 2 50%
浅瀬 2 50%
平原 1 50%
1 50%
1 50%
1 50%
沼地 1 50%
砂地 1 50%
洞窟 1 50%
雪原 1 50%
キノコの森 1 50%
深い割目 1 50%
