
レベル 1


クラスチェンジ先: 山賊 

クラスチェンジ元: 悪漢

HP: 32  コスト:13  移動: 属性: 混沌  経験: 42


Thugs come from a wide variety of sources; while a few are born into thuggery, many are former soldiers deemed unfit to serve in the army or peasants thrown off their lands. They become thugs as a means of sustenance. Regardless of their background, they all share a penchant for beating their victims with large clubs.


名前 回数 範囲 特殊
棍棒 打撃 5-4 格闘  


斬撃 0%
冷気 0%
火炎 0%
神聖 20%
打撃 0%
貫通 0%


地形 移動 防御
1 60%
1 60%
深水 99 20%
浅瀬 3 20%
平原 1 40%
2 50%
2 50%
3 60%
沼地 3 20%
砂地 2 30%
洞窟 2 40%
雪原 3 20%
キノコの森 2 50%
深い割目 99 20%
