
レベル 2


クラスチェンジ先: ドレークの下士官 

クラスチェンジ元: ドレークの粉砕者

HP: 66  コスト:31  移動: 属性: 秩序  経験: 95


The Gladiator has taken a completely different path from the Slashers. Rather than emphasize training, they have chosen to focus on the craft of their weaponry. They are the smiths of Drake society, and it follows that they possess the best weaponry - the sharpest blades and spears, and the maces which complement their already impressive array. Their intense focus on their weapons confers offensive capability at the cost of a slight reduction in their defensive abilities.


名前 回数 範囲 特殊
斬撃 8-4 格闘  
貫通 6-5 格闘  
メイス 打撃 10-3 格闘  


斬撃 20%
冷気 -50%
火炎 50%
神聖 -30%
打撃 30%
貫通 0%


地形 移動 防御
1 40%
1 40%
深水 99 10%
浅瀬 3 20%
平原 1 30%
2 40%
1 40%
1 40%
沼地 3 20%
砂地 1 40%
洞窟 2 30%
雪原 3 20%
キノコの森 2 40%
深い割目 99 20%
