
レベル 3



クラスチェンジ元: ボーンシューター

HP: 50  コスト:38  移動: 属性: 混沌  経験: 100

能力: 潜水

The most powerful of the undead archers invariably end up being those who were themselves archers in their previous life. They wander the fields of battle, guided by the fading memory of their former skill, neither knowing, nor caring what their purpose, or foes be. They are driven only by a malice borne of their empty and tortured existence.


名前 回数 範囲 特殊
ダガー 斬撃 8-2 格闘  
貫通 14-3 投射  


斬撃 40%
冷気 60%
火炎 -20%
神聖 -50%
打撃 -20%
貫通 60%


地形 移動 防御
1 60%
1 60%
深水 3 10%
浅瀬 2 20%
平原 1 40%
2 50%
2 50%
3 60%
沼地 2 30%
砂地 2 30%
洞窟 2 40%
雪原 2 30%
キノコの森 2 60%
深い割目 99 20%
