
Szint 2


Szintlépés után:

Advance from: Hullazabáló

ÉP: 47  Ár: 27  Lépés: Beállítottság: törvénytelen  TP: 40


The necrophage, or 'devourer of the dead', is a monstrous, corpulent thing, which bears only a crude resemblance to a man. They appear to be quite rotten in spite of their ability to move; they are rife with disease and poisons of the blood, and have a stench to match. Likely the most unhinging fact about them, for fact it appears to be, is that they were somehow made from living men - a process about which almost nothing is known, but which can be nothing but nightmarish.


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2 30%
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Szakadék 99 20%

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