Mago Prateado

Nivel 3


Avanza a:

Advance from: Mago Vermello

HP: 48  Custo: 59  Movementos: Aliñación: neutral  XP: 100

Habilidades: teletransportar

The many paths that a mage can take in study lead to strikingly different ends. Often viewed as sages, or wandering mystics, silver magi act under an agenda which is obscure even to their own colleagues. Though helpful to the magisteriums which often employ them in the field, they remain somewhat aloof.


Nome Tipo Ataque Alcance Especial
bastón impacto 7-2 corpo a corpo  
mísil lume 9-4 a distancia maxia 


folla 0%
frío 50%
lume 50%
arcane 20%
impacto 0%
perforación 0%

Modificadores de Terreo

Terreo Movemento Defensa
Castelo 1 60%
Vila 1 60%
Auga Profunda 99 20%
Auga Superficial 3 20%
Prado 1 40%
Bosque 2 50%
Outeiros 2 50%
Montañas 3 60%
Braña 3 20%
Area 2 30%
Cova 2 40%
Neve 3 20%
Colonia de Cogomelos 2 50%
Chasm 99 20%

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