Mermaid Priestess

niveau 2


Évolue en : Mermaid Diviner 

Évolue à partir de Mermaid Initiate

PV : 31  Coût : 38  Déplacements : Alignement : loyal  XP : 150

Capacités : guérison

Among mermen, mysticism is generally left to the mermaids, who are more inclined to it. It is they who dedicate themselves to the ideal of bringing peace and life to the world, and to the arts which make that possible. Their piety also grants them certain powers, allowing them to guard their people against magical or unnatural things.


Nom Type Attaques Portée Spécial
bâton contondant 5-3 corps à corps  
rayon de lumière arcane 6-4 à distance magique 


tranchant 0%
froid 20%
feu 0%
arcane 20%
contondant 0%
perforant 0%

Modificateurs de Terrain

Terrain Mouvement Défense
Château 1 40%
Village 1 40%
Eau profonde 1 50%
Eau peu profonde 1 60%
Prairie 2 30%
Forêt 5 30%
Collines 5 30%
Montagnes 99 20%
Marais 1 60%
Sable 2 30%
Caverne 3 20%
Neige 2 30%
Forêt de champignons 3 20%
Abîme 99 20%

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