
Nivel 1


Se convierte en: Necrófago 

Procede de:

PV: 33  Coste: 16  Movimientos: Alineamiento: caótico  PX: 35


Only the more perverse and sadistic of necromancers know what must be done to turn a person into a ghoul, and it is a secret they are not telling. The result, however, is all too well known; it is a beast that knows nothing of its days as a human being, a creature that shambles about as naked as the day it was born, and gorges itself on the flesh of the dead.


Nombre Tipo Golpes Alcance Especial
garras de corte 4-3 cuerpo a cuerpo veneno 


de corte 10%
de frío 40%
de fuego 10%
arcano 20%
de impacto 0%
de penetración 30%

Modificadores por terreno

Terreno Movimiento Defensa
Castillo 1 60%
Aldea 1 60%
Aguas profundas 99 10%
Aguas someras 3 20%
Pradera 1 40%
Bosque 2 50%
Colinas 2 50%
Montañas 3 60%
Pantano 2 30%
Arena 2 30%
Cueva 2 40%
Nieve 2 30%
Campo de setas 2 60%
Abismo 99 20%

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