Hechicero oscuro

Nivel 2


Se convierte en: Liche  Nigromante 

Procede de: Adepto oscuro

PV: 48  Coste: 32  Movimientos: Alineamiento: caótico  PX: 90


The dread inspired by black magic comes chiefly from how little is known about it by the common man. Dark sorcerers have begun to unlock the secrets of life and death, the latter of which is all too easy to inflict. This labor gives the first glimmerings of the connection between the soul and inert matter, and the first successful experiments in manipulating this bond. The terrible unknown that lurks beyond death is glimpsed, and will inevitably be fathomed.


Nombre Tipo Golpes Alcance Especial
bastón de impacto 4-3 cuerpo a cuerpo  
ola de frío de frío 13-2 a distancia mágico 
onda sombría arcano 9-2 a distancia mágico 


de corte 0%
de frío 0%
de fuego 0%
arcano 20%
de impacto 0%
de penetración 0%

Modificadores por terreno

Terreno Movimiento Defensa
Castillo 1 60%
Aldea 1 60%
Aguas profundas 99 20%
Aguas someras 3 20%
Pradera 1 40%
Bosque 2 50%
Colinas 2 50%
Montañas 3 60%
Pantano 3 20%
Arena 2 30%
Cueva 2 40%
Nieve 3 20%
Campo de setas 2 50%
Abismo 99 20%

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