Guerrer naga

Nivell 2


Avança a: Mirmidó naga 

Avança de: Lluitador naga

HP: 43  Cost: 27  Moviments: Alineació: neutral  XP: 66


The young warriors of the naga aspire to the day when they merit their second blade. Their martial practice of using twin blades is wholly unlike that of the Orcs and other races, for they have begun to learn the art of using their serpentine form to best effect, twisting and turning to dodge from blows. This makes them potent on land, but the friction of water greatly impedes the technique.


Nom Tipus Cops Abast Especial
espasa talla 7-4 melé  


talla 0%
fred -20%
foc 0%
arcane 0%
impacta 0%
perfora 0%

Modificadors de terreny

Terreny Moviment Defensa
Castell 2 50%
Llogaret 1 40%
Aigua profunda 1 50%
Aigua baixa 1 60%
Prada 2 40%
Bosc 3 40%
Colls 3 40%
Muntanyes 5 40%
Pantà 1 60%
Sorra 1 50%
Cova 2 40%
Neu 2 20%
Boscatge de bolets 2 40%
Abisme 99 20%

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