Gran Drac de foc

Nivell 5


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HP: 101  Cost: 100  Moviments: Alineació: caòtica  XP: 100

Habilitats: lideratge

A dragon is a legendary creature, normally seen only in fantastic tales. They are very rare, and were it not for the historical events, the singlehanded destruction of cities and towns that these creatures have wrought, they might be dismissed as mere myth. Legends are very specific about the ravages of dragons; noting their great strength, speed, their preternatural cunning, and above all else, the great fire that burns inside of them.


Nom Tipus Cops Abast Especial
mossegada talla 21-2 melé  
cua impacta 24-1 melé  
alè de foc foc 14-4 distància tirador 


talla 10%
fred -50%
foc 50%
arcane -30%
impacta 20%
perfora -10%

Modificadors de terreny

Terreny Moviment Defensa
Castell 1 40%
Llogaret 1 40%
Aigua profunda 1 20%
Aigua baixa 1 20%
Prada 1 30%
Bosc 1 40%
Colls 1 40%
Muntanyes 1 40%
Pantà 1 30%
Sorra 1 40%
Cova 3 30%
Neu 1 20%
Boscatge de bolets 2 40%
Abisme 1 40%

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