
Vlak 2


Bevorder na: Draug 

Advance from: Geraamte

LP: 47  Cost: 28  Skuiwe: Orde: chaoties  EP: 85

Vermoëns: submerge

Given false life to do battle once more, the creatures known as Revenants were clearly great warriors in their time, though the memory of that time is now long gone. Even the sorcerers who raised them can only speculate on their past. Such questions aside, a Revenant is a powerful tool in combat: a fearless warrior that feels no pain, and which will fight to the bitter end.


Naam Tipe Trefhoue Afstand Spesiaal
byl lem 8-4 nabygeveg  


lem 40%
koue 60%
vuur -20%
arcane -50%
impak -20%
steek 60%


Terrein Beweging Verdediging
Kasteel 1 60%
Dorpie 1 60%
Diep Water 3 10%
Vlak Water 2 20%
Graslande 1 40%
Woud 2 50%
Heuwels 2 50%
Berge 3 60%
Moeras 2 30%
Sand 2 30%
Grot 2 40%
Sneeu 2 30%
Mushroom Grove 2 60%
Chasm 99 20%

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