Nag Gaunt

Vlak 3


Bevorder na:

Advance from: Skaduwee

LP: 35  Cost: 52  Skuiwe: Orde: chaoties  EP: 100

Vermoëns: nagsluip skermutselaar

The purpose of the masks that these creatures wear is unknown, as is the countenance that they obscure. These terrible forms are rarely seen by the living, and those who live to speak of them had no leisure to study their foe.


Naam Tipe Trefhoue Afstand Spesiaal
kloue lem 10-3 nabygeveg rugsteek 


lem 50%
koue 70%
vuur 10%
arcane -10%
impak 50%
steek 50%


Terrein Beweging Verdediging
Kasteel 1 50%
Dorpie 1 50%
Diep Water 2 50%
Vlak Water 2 50%
Graslande 1 50%
Woud 1 50%
Heuwels 1 50%
Berge 1 50%
Moeras 1 50%
Sand 1 50%
Grot 1 50%
Sneeu 1 50%
Mushroom Grove 1 50%
Chasm 1 50%

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