
Vlak 2


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Advance from: Spiesvegter

LP: 48  Cost: 25  Skuiwe: Orde: wettig  EP: 100


Spearmen almost always equip themselves with a few javelins, to harry, if not kill, enemies at range. Some, however, take to them rather well, finding that they have a natural talent in their use. Javelineers are a valuable asset to an army, being able to supplement their skill in melee combat with an ability to handle distant foes. They can hurl javelins into enemy ranks from a distance, often without retribution, and still hold their ground in melee.


Naam Tipe Trefhoue Afstand Spesiaal
spies steek 8-3 nabygeveg eerste trefhou 
javelin steek 11-2 afstandgeveg  


lem 0%
koue 0%
vuur 0%
arcane 20%
impak 0%
steek 40%


Terrein Beweging Verdediging
Kasteel 1 60%
Dorpie 1 60%
Diep Water 99 20%
Vlak Water 3 20%
Graslande 1 40%
Woud 2 50%
Heuwels 2 50%
Berge 3 60%
Moeras 3 20%
Sand 2 30%
Grot 2 40%
Sneeu 3 20%
Mushroom Grove 2 50%
Chasm 99 20%

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