Drake Bewaarder

Vlak 3


Bevorder na:

Advance from: Drake Kapper

LP: 82  Cost: 46  Skuiwe: Orde: wettig  EP: 100


The Warden represents the pinnacle of the clasher caste, being picked from the most able Slashers. They have forged their might such that few warriors on this earth would dare stand against them. The Wardens' weapon of choice is the halberd, which they use to great effect.


Naam Tipe Trefhoue Afstand Spesiaal
halberd lem 16-3 nabygeveg  
halberd steek 23-2 nabygeveg eerste trefhou 


lem 20%
koue -50%
vuur 50%
arcane -30%
impak 30%
steek 20%


Terrein Beweging Verdediging
Kasteel 1 40%
Dorpie 1 40%
Diep Water 99 10%
Vlak Water 3 20%
Graslande 1 30%
Woud 2 40%
Heuwels 1 40%
Berge 1 40%
Moeras 3 20%
Sand 1 40%
Grot 2 30%
Sneeu 3 20%
Mushroom Grove 2 40%
Chasm 99 20%

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